Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine, which stimulates the body’s own healing process. It is a holistic approach, which means that physical, mental and emotional conditions can be addressed.
A remedy – from natural sources – is selected based on you as an individual. Each person’s expression of illness is different and homeopathy recognises your individuality. |
German doctor, Dr Samuel Hahnemann founded homeopathy over 200 years ago. Based on ‘treating like with like’, this system of medicine has helped and continues to help many, many people worldwide.
Homeopathy is suitable for all – from newborns to the elderly.
Homeopathy is suitable for all – from newborns to the elderly.
An initial consultation will usually last for about one and a half hours, during which a full case history will be taken. Follow-up appointments are usually 45 minutes.
For my scale of fees, please contact me.
I offer FaceTime, Zoom and Skype and 'in person' consultations.
Cancellations within 24 hours of the time of the booked appointment may incur the full fee to cover expenses. Thank you.
For my scale of fees, please contact me.
I offer FaceTime, Zoom and Skype and 'in person' consultations.
Cancellations within 24 hours of the time of the booked appointment may incur the full fee to cover expenses. Thank you.
Homeopathy First Aid courses are now available. Please contact me for details of dates. This is a day course and where I mention the Basic 18 kit available from Helios and other remedies.
* This is an independent course provided by Cath Robertson and the course is not connected to Helios Homeopathy or any other organisations.
The information in the course is for educational purposes and does not replace the advice of a medical professional. Please consult your medical provider or homoeopath where required.
* This is an independent course provided by Cath Robertson and the course is not connected to Helios Homeopathy or any other organisations.
The information in the course is for educational purposes and does not replace the advice of a medical professional. Please consult your medical provider or homoeopath where required.
For more information about homeopathy in general
1. Website of ARH (Alliance of Registered Homeopaths): www.a-r-h.org
2. '20 Questions on Homeopathy': www.homeopathyawareness.com
3. HOMEOPATHY WORKED FOR ME: www.homeopathyworkedforme.org
3. HOMEOPATHY WORKED FOR ME: www.homeopathyworkedforme.org
Note about the variation of spelling of homeopathy
I use the modern spelling of the word ‘homeopathy’. Some titles on this website use the classical spelling with the additional 'o'. Both are equally acceptable.
‘Homeopathy and specifically Cath, have really helped me both mentally and physically over the past 5 years. I started seeing Cath when I was feeling low, not knowing that I was suffering from depression. Cath gave me some great remedies that helped and also was a huge shoulder to cry on. Cath is very intuitive and has helped me a great deal. Homeopathy is a regular feature now in our house, not only helping me but my daughter as well. I'm a huge advocate of homeopathy and this has been because of Cath's passion rubbing off. It's also spread throughout my family and friends too. So, indirectly, Cath has not only helped me but a lot of people she's never actually met.’ ~ R.M.